
We specialize in providing expert guidance and support to nonprofit founders and organizations. With years of experience in the nonprofit sector, we understand the unique challenges you face and are here to help you navigate every step of your journey.

Our Services:

1. Nonprofit Formation: 
- Let us guide you through the process of forming your nonprofit organization, from initial paperwork to IRS approval. We'll ensure that your organization is set up for success from the start.

2. Compliance & Operations Set Up:
- Stay on track with our compliance and operations set up services, where we'll review and or write your organization's policies and procedures to ensure adherence to state and federal regulations. Don't let compliance issues derail your mission—we're here to keep you on course.

3. Reinstatement Services:
- Has your nonprofit fallen out of compliance? We'll help you get back on track with our reinstatement services, guiding you through the process of reinstating your organization's status and ensuring that you're up to date with all necessary filings.

4. Tax Filing Mastery:
- Maximize deductions and minimize stress with our tax filing mastery services. We'll assist you in preparing and filing your nonprofit's Form 990 tax return, ensuring accuracy and compliance with IRS regulations.

5. Digital Products:
- Access our library of digital products designed to support your nonprofit journey, including compliance checklists, policy handbooks, and board of directors instructional manuals. Equip yourself with the tools and resources you need to succeed.

With Your Nonprofit Doctor by your side, you can focus on what matters most—making a positive impact in your community. Let us handle the administrative details so you can focus on fulfilling your mission and achieving your goals.
Schedule a consultation today and let's get started on building a brighter future together.